Flashing orange light on Budweiser Red Light

I have the 1st gen bud red light. When I try to set up my imp card, it starts flashing red/orange, then it flashes green a few times, then it goes to orange. Can anyone help?

Got a mac address? Could be a faulty light (bad ID chip), we can find out more if you provide the address from the bottom of the imp card.

Sorry for the delay. Mac address is 0c2a69013749

Could you double-check that MAC? I don’t see it having connected in the last 2 weeks.

Sorr . I had it shut off as it is continuously flashing orange. The MAC address is 0c2a69013749.

The 0 are zero .

Yeah, don’t see that one. Could you try configuring it again? If it goes green (as you reported before) then we should see it here - even if it goes back to orange after.

I retried. It went green for about 3 flashes then went orange.

Ok, that one escaped from the Budweiser factory without the whole process. Give it a try now.

Perfect! It works! Thank u very much!!

Seems there’s another issue. When testing the light after it goes into sleep mode (goes into sleep mode approx 5 mins after being not tested), the light won’t go on. I have to either shut the light off or take out the card for it to receive a signal to come on.

That’s normal behavior for the red light. It doesn’t stay online all the time as that’d run the batteries flat - it wakes up for your selected team’s games, and stays awake for 5 mins if you power cycle it (for testing).

Otherwise it’s asleep in low power mode and the test button won’t do anything.

Cool. Thanks again.

Hey Hugo,

I have the same issue 1st gen, flashing red/orange, then it flashes green then it goes to orange. I’ll PM you the mac address

@SuperChooch Give that a try now…

Thanks Hugo! That did the trick. Syncs up fine now

I have a second gen Budweiser Red Light and am unable to connect the device. I only get a blinking orange light (meaning no WIFI settings) and when I attempt to connect using my phone that has the app installed on it, the WIFI light turns off when my phone’s screen is blinking. I have set the screen brightness to max and have tried the other things I have found, without success. Can anyone help?

After a closer look, I believe the light is actually flashing red (not orange).

I’ve noticed a similar issue where I’ll come into the room and see the red light flashing red/orange lights. If I reset it, then it’ll flash green and go into sleep mode.

Hello, I have the same issue. I have a 1st gen bud red light. When I try to set up my imp card, it starts flashing red/orange, then it flashes green a few times, then it goes to orange. Can anyone help?
Mac address: 0c:2a:69:01:58:a5
Device ID: 231b6eb236a7c9ee
