When will IMP firmware support SPI slave mode?

We want to use SPI to connect IMP with our device. Our device just send out data, so IMP should work in slave mode. I think SPI slave mode is widely used, and IMP hardware based on Cortex-M4 might support SPI slave mode. So what I want to know when will IMP firmware support SPI slave mode?

The hardware does support it, yes, but we’ve not had commercial requests for slave mode so it’s fallen down the list.

Does UART not work for your application, though?

SPI is much faster than UART, so that we can find a idle time of the processor in our device to send data out. Using a UART, we have to use an extra interrupt routine to send data. I think this use case is not abnormal, and slave mode SPI for a communication chip is required.

You can run the UART at up to 7.5Mbaud. Not fast enough? Generally your SPI master will also require an interrupt (or you can use DMA with UART as you can with SPI).

If you have a commercial use, then contact us with more details (at sales@electricimp.com) and provide all the information you can about the application.