When is Release 38 likely to be released to Production?

Is there a likely date for Release 38?
I’ve been holding back a number of changes to my devices, wanting to take advantage of the new functionality.

Since I’m not currently using imp004m or BLE, which seems to be the main focus of lingering changes to the 38, should I look to just upgrade my production units to 38 now? I’ve had many dev units on 38 for months without incident.



Hi Regan,

I expect release 38 to be formally offered to production, on an opt-in basis, in the next 2-3 weeks. We’ve just made what we hope are the final optimisations to this branch, and as usual will want to roll out the changes to internal and developer imps first for a short soak before release to production.

But if you would like to trial production imps on 38 now, we can discuss this - please raise a support ticket to agree the details.

