What should we know for launch of mass production of devices with imp on board?

Dear Sirs,

We are a team of devices and circuits designers and it is first time we do it on basis of Electric Imp. Now we have:

  •      Imp001 and imp 002 modules
  •      Operational device
  •      Designed and operational code in ide.electricimp for Agent & Device
  •      Agent link managed by Android application

The following questions are sticking points for us to move forward:

  1.  What way it is possible to put in the function "BlinkUp" & "Clear Wireless Configuration" for transmission the parameters Wireless Configuration for imp into our Android application?
  2.  Where and what way it is possible to create an account with login & password (that are transferred to imp) without creating account in ide.electricimp.com?

In other words, how to arrange an end user access to imp management (to editing of the agent link parameters) and to wifi connection but without capability to edit agent code and device code on ide.electricimp.com by the end user?
3. What else should we know for launch of mass production of devices with imp on board?

We would be grateful to receive your answers to the questions listed, any of advice, comments or may be forum discussions of similar questions.

Send an email to sales@electricimp.com – the answer to both #1 and #2 is that when you sign up for commercial use of imps, you get a “Blink-Up SDK” for Android and Iphone, libraries which let you do precisely those things. You also get plenty of information on #3.
