Unexpected server response:401' error while developing application using electric imp SDK

I am able to get the API_KEY using electric imp application available.
So, now I am using electric imp latest SDK for developing a customized application. I followed all the steps given here properly https://electricimp.com/docs/manufacturing/sdkdocs/android/6/installation/. I tried sample_agent example. I gave the correct wifi credentials in the login. But always getting an ‘Unexpected server response:401’ error. Plz help where I am making the mistake.

Actually I gave invalid API_KEY because of that I was getting “Unexpected server response: 401”.
But, now I am getting “Unexpected server response: 400”.
Plz help where I am making mistake

This is because, as the SDK docs say:

“The Android and iOS BlinkUp SDKs may only be incorporated into mobile apps developed by or for Electric Imp customers. You will require a BlinkUp API Key to authorize every access your app makes to the Electric Imp Cloud via the SDK. Please contact sales@electricimp.com to discuss the advantages of becoming an Electric Imp customer.”

You’re on a developer account and so don’t have API keys that will work with the commercial blinkup libraries. Contact sales :slight_smile: