We’re using the Sublime plugin to build and deploy our squirrel code. Recently, it doesn’t build anymore because pulling github based libs (using #include) fails to authenticate with message " ERROR: [CLICKABLE] Deprecation: [@octokit/rest] Setting the “new Octokit({ auth })” option to an object without also setting the “authStrategy” option is deprecated and will be removed in v17. See (https://octokit.github.io/rest.js/#authentication)"
We are using github-user and github-token as recommended (user/passwd was deprecated some time ago I believe)
Any feedback ?
If pulling from github doesn’t work anymore, is the only option then to @include local files pulled from github with other tools ? That might work but we’re kind of dependent on the ability to pull different branches of our own libs in an automated way.
Same problem with VSCode
Installed extension from the marketplace. Created simple project with one github @include and known-to-be-good github credentilas and got this
Problem solved.
Plugins (Sublime and VSCode) are not compatible with older github access tokens. Created a new token => using the new one instead of the one we had embedded in all our projects (while that one wasn’t expired yet) makes it work again.