RFD77402 ToF Library

Does anyone have a library for a RFD77402 time of flight sensor? There’s an arduino library out there but I’m not sure that I’m capable of converting it.

Converting that Arduino library doesn’t look like it would be particularly hard. Check out our Porting Arduino Code to the imp guide for some assistance.

Couple of at-a-glance gotchas: functions like readRegister16() take an I2C register address as an integer, but the imp’s i2c objects take strings, so you’ll need to add a conversion, eg.

addr = addr.tochar();

The imp’s i2c objects do a lot more work for you than the Arduino I2C code does, so you’ll simple replace beginTransmission(), write(), endTransmission() and requestFrom() with read(), for example.

Once you get me on one of these…

Here’s a quick and dirty port. The code compiles, but I don’t have the hardware to try it out. It will need debugging, but it should get you 90% to where you want to be. Just add it to the top of your device code:

const RFD77402_ICSR = 0x00;
const RFD77402_INTERRUPTS = 0x02;
const RFD77402_COMMAND = 0x04;
const RFD77402_DEVICE_STATUS = 0x06;
const RFD77402_RESULT = 0x08;
const RFD77402_RESULT_CONFIDENCE = 0x0A;
const RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A = 0x0C;
const RFD77402_CONFIGURE_B = 0x0E;
const RFD77402_HOST_TO_MCPU_MAILBOX = 0x10;
const RFD77402_MCPU_TO_HOST_MAILBOX = 0x12;
const RFD77402_CONFIGURE_PMU = 0x14;
const RFD77402_CONFIGURE_I2C = 0x1C;
const RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_0 = 0x20;
const RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_1 = 0x22;
const RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_2 = 0x24;
const RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_3 = 0x26;
const RFD77402_MOD_CHIP_ID = 0x28;

const RFD77402_MODE_MEASUREMENT = 0x01;
const RFD77402_MODE_STANDBY = 0x10;
const RFD77402_MODE_OFF = 0x11;
const RFD77402_MODE_ON = 0x12;

const CODE_VALID_DATA = 0x00;
const CODE_FAILED_PIXELS = 0x01;
const CODE_FAILED_SIGNAL = 0x02;
const CODE_FAILED_NOT_NEW = 0x04;

const I2C_SPEED_STANDARD = 100000;
const I2C_SPEED_FAST = 400000;

class RFD77402 {

    _i2cPort = null;
    _i2cAddr = null;
    calibrationData = null;

    distance = 0;
    validPixels = 0;
    confidenceValue = 0;

    constructor(i2cBus = null, i2cAddr = 0x4C) {
        if (i2cBus == null) throw "RFD77402() requires a non-null imp I2C bus object";

        // Store the chosen imp I2C bus
        _i2cPort = i2cBus;

        // Convert 7-bit I2C address to 8-bit
        _i2cAddr = i2cAddr << 1;

        // Set up the calibration data array
        calibrationData = array(54);

        // Initialize the device
        local r = begin();
        server.log("Sensor initialization " + (r ? "succeeded" : "failed"));

    //Sets up the sensor for constant read
    //Returns false if sensor does not respond
    function begin() {
        if (getChipID() < 0xAD00) return false;

        //Put chip into standby
        if (goToStandbyMode() == false) return false; //Chip timed out before going to standby

        //Drive INT_PAD high
        local setting = readRegister(RFD77402_ICSR);
        setting = setting | (1 << 2); //Set the bit
        writeRegister(RFD77402_ICSR, setting);

        //Configure I2C Interface
        writeRegister(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_I2C, 0x65); //0b.0110.0101 = Address increment, auto increment, host debug, MCPU debug

        //Set initialization - Magic from datasheet. Write 0x05 to 0x15 location.
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_PMU, 0x0500); //0b.0000.0101.0000.0000 //Patch_code_id_en, Patch_mem_en

        if (goToOffMode() == false) return false; //MCPU never turned off

        //Set initialization - Magic from datasheet. Write 0x06 to 0x15 location.
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_PMU, 0x0600); //MCPU_Init_state, Patch_mem_en

        if (goToOnMode() == false) return (false); //MCPU never turned on

        //ToF Configuration
        setPeak(0x0E); //Suggested values from page 20

        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_B, 0x10FF); //Set valid pixel. Set MSP430 default config.
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_0, 0x07D0); //Set saturation threshold = 2,000.
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_1, 0x5008); //Frequecy = 5. Low level threshold = 8.
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_2, 0xA041); //Integration time = 10 * (6500-20)/15)+20 = 4.340ms. Plus reserved magic.
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_3, 0x45D4); //Enable harmonic cancellation. Enable auto adjust of integration time. Plus reserved magic.

        if (goToStandbyMode() == false) return false; //Error - MCPU never went to standby

        //Whew! We made it through power on configuration

        //Put device into Standby mode
        if (goToStandbyMode() == false) return false; //Error - MCPU never went to standby

        //Now assume user will want sensor in measurement mode

        //Set initialization - Magic from datasheet. Write 0x05 to 0x15 location.
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_PMU, 0x0500); //Patch_code_id_en, Patch_mem_en

        if (goToOffMode() == false) return (false); //Error - MCPU never turned off

        //Set initialization - Magic from datasheet. Write 0x06 to 0x15 location.
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_PMU, 0x0600); //MCPU_Init_state, Patch_mem_en

        if (goToOnMode() == false) return false; //Error - MCPU never turned on

        return true; //Success! Sensor is ready for measurements

    //Takes a single measurement and sets the global variables with new data
    //Returns zero if reading is good, otherwise return the errorCode from the result register.
    function takeMeasurement() {
        if (goToMeasurementMode() == false) return CODE_FAILED_TIMEOUT; //Error - Timeout
        //New data is now available!

        //Read result
        local resultRegister = readRegister16(RFD77402_RESULT);

        if (resultRegister & 0x7FFF) { //Reading is valid
            local errorCode = (resultRegister >> 13) & 0x03;

            if (errorCode == 0) {
                distance = (resultRegister >> 2) & 0x07FF; //Distance is good. Read it.
                server.log("Distance field valid");

                //Read confidence register
                local confidenceRegister = readRegister16(RFD77402_RESULT_CONFIDENCE);
                validPixels = confidenceRegister & 0x0F;
                confidenceValue = (confidenceRegister >> 4) & 0x07FF;

            return (errorCode);
        } else {
            //Reading is not vald
            return CODE_FAILED_NOT_NEW; //Error code for reading is not new

    //Returns the local variable to the caller
    function getDistance() {
        return distance;

    //Returns the number of valid pixels found when taking measurement
    function getValidPixels() {
        return validPixels;

    //Returns the qualitative value representing how confident the sensor is about its reported distance
    function getConfidenceValue() {
        return confidenceValue;

    //Read the command opcode and covert to mode
    function getMode() {
        return (readRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND) & 0x3F);

    //Tell MCPU to go to standby mode
    //Return true if successful
    function goToStandbyMode() {
        //Set Low Power Standby
        writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 0x90); //0b.1001.0000 = Go to standby mode. Set valid command.

        //Check MCPU_ON Status
        for (local x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x++) {
            if ((readRegister16(RFD77402_DEVICE_STATUS) & 0x001F) == 0x0000) return true; //MCPU is now in standby
            delay(100); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet

        return false; //Error - MCPU never went to standby

    //Tell MCPU to go to off state
    //Return true if successful
    function goToOffMode() {
        //Set MCPU_OFF
        writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 0x91); //0b.1001.0001 = Go MCPU off state. Set valid command.

        //Check MCPU_OFF Status
        for (local x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x++) {
            if ((readRegister16(RFD77402_DEVICE_STATUS) & 0x001F) == 0x0010) return true; //MCPU is now off
            delay(10); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet

        return false; //Error - MCPU never turned off

    //Tell MCPU to go to on state
    //Return true if successful
    function goToOnMode() {
        //Set MCPU_ON
        writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 0x92); //0b.1001.0010 = Wake up MCPU to ON mode. Set valid command.

        //Check MCPU_ON Status
        for (local x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x++) {
            if ((readRegister16(RFD77402_DEVICE_STATUS) & 0x001F) == 0x0018) return true; //MCPU is now on
            delay(10); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet

        return false; //Error - MCPU never turned on

    //Tell MCPU to go to measurement mode
    //Takes a measurement. If measurement data is ready, return true
    function goToMeasurementMode() {
        //Single measure command
        writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 0x81); //0b.1000.0001 = Single measurement. Set valid command.

        //Read ICSR Register - Check to see if measurement data is ready
        for (local x = 0 ; x < 10 ; x++) {
            if ((readRegister(RFD77402_ICSR) & (1 << 4)) != 0) return true; //Data is ready!
            delay(10); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet

        return false; //Error - Timeout

    //Returns the VCSEL peak 4-bit value
    function getPeak() {
        local configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A);
        return (configValue >> 12) & 0x0F;

    //Sets the VCSEL peak 4-bit value
    function setPeak(peakValue) {
        local configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A); //Read
        configValue = configValue & ~0xF000;// Zero out the peak configuration bits
        configValue = configValue | (peakValue << 12); //Mask in user's settings
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A, configValue); //Write in this new value

    //Returns the VCSEL Threshold 4-bit value
    function getThreshold() {
        local configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A);
        return (configValue >> 8) & 0x0F;

    //Sets the VCSEL Threshold 4-bit value
    function setThreshold(thresholdValue) {
        local configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A); //Read
        configValue = configValue & ~0x0F00;// Zero out the threshold configuration bits
        configValue = configValue | (thresholdValue << 8); //Mask in user's settings
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_A, configValue); //Write in this new value

    //Returns the VCSEL Frequency 4-bit value
    function getFrequency() {
        local configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_1);
        return (configValue >> 12) & 0x0F;

    //Sets the VCSEL Frequency 4-bit value
    function setFrequency(thresholdValue) {
        local configValue = readRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_1); //Read
        configValue = configValue & ~0xF000;// Zero out the threshold configuration bits
        configValue = configValue | (thresholdValue << 12); //Mask in user's settings
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_CONFIGURE_HW_1, configValue); //Write in this new value

    //Gets whatever is in the 'MCPU to Host' mailbox
    //Check ICSR bit 5 before reading
    function getMailbox() {
        return (readRegister16(RFD77402_MCPU_TO_HOST_MAILBOX));

    //Software reset the device
    function reset() {
        writeRegister(RFD77402_COMMAND, 1 << 6);

    //Returns the chip ID
    //Should be 0xAD01 or higher
    function getChipID() {

    //Retreive 2*27 bytes from MCPU for computation of calibration parameters
    //This is 9.2.2 from datasheet
    //Reads 54 bytes into the calibration[] array
    //Returns true if new cal data is loaded
    function getCalibrationData() {
        if (goToOnMode() == false) return false; //Error - sensor timed out before getting to On Mode

        //Check ICSR Register and read Mailbox until it is empty
        local messages = 0;
        while (1) {
            if ((readRegister(RFD77402_ICSR) & (1 << 5)) == 0) break; //Mailbox interrupt is cleared

            //Mailbox interrupt (Bit 5) is set so read the M2H mailbox register
            getMailbox(); //Throw it out. Just read to clear the register.

            if (messages++ > 27) return false; //Error - Too many messages

            delay(10); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet

        //Issue mailbox command
        writeRegister16(RFD77402_HOST_TO_MCPU_MAILBOX, 0x0006); //Send 0x0006 mailbox command

        //Check to see if Mailbox can be read
        //Read 54 bytes of payload into the calibration[54] array
        for (local message = 0 ; message < 27 ; message++) {
            //Wait for bit to be set
            local x = 0;
            while (1) {
                local icsr = readRegister(RFD77402_ICSR);
                if ((icsr & (1 << 5)) != 0) break; //New message in available

                if (x++ > 10) return false; //Error - Timeout

                delay(10); //Suggested timeout for status checks from datasheet

            local incoming = getMailbox(); //Get 16-bit message

            //Put message into larger calibrationData array
            calibrationData[message * 2] = incoming >> 8;
            calibrationData[message * 2 + 1] = incoming & 0xFF;

    //Reads two bytes from a given location from the RFD77402
    function readRegister16(addr) {
        local data = _i2cPort.read(_i2cAddr, addr.tochar(), 2);
        local lower = data[0];
        local higher = data[1];
        return ((higher << 8) | lower);

    //Reads from a given location from the RFD77402
    function readRegister(addr) {
        local data = _i2cPort.read(_i2cAddr, addr.tochar(), 1);
        if (data != null) return data;
        return 0xFF; //Error

    //Write a 16 bit value to a spot in the RFD77402
    function writeRegister16(addr, val) {
        local lower = (val & 0xFF).tointeger();
        local higher = (val >> 8).tointeger();
        _i2cPort.write(_i2cAddr, addr.tochar() + lower.tochar() + higher.tochar());

    //Write a value to a spot in the RFD77402
    function writeRegister(addr, val) {
        _i2cPort.write(_i2cAddr, addr.tochar() + val.tochar());

    // Blocks for ms milliseconds - replicates Arduino delay()
    function delay(ms) {
        local a = hardware.millis() + ms;
        do {
            // NOP
        } while (hardware.millis() <= a);

You’ll need to configure your I2C bus first, and then instantiate the class:

local i2c = hardware.i2c89; // Assuming you're using an imp001

local tof = RFD77402(i2c);

function loop() {
    // Read and display a distance measurement every 5 seconds
    if (tof.readMeasurement() == 0) server.log(rof.getDistance());
    imp.wakeup(5, loop);


@smittytone – you are the man. Much appreciated.

I saw your original response and rolled up my sleeves this morning and began porting it myself (sorry work). There were some spots where I didn’t completely understand how to port it (mostly bit shifting stuff), so I would like to take what you sent and compare to the original library to educate myself on this. This isn’t the first library I wish I could have ported. I’ll go ahead and order the hardware and post back on my results.

To learn, the best thing is to try it yourself, but fall back on my code when you get stuck, or you’re unsure how to proceed. As I say, my code isn’t tested, so you may very well need to adjust the code when you run it on real hardware.