Hi guys,
I’m looking at changing our send timeout policy from RETURN_ON_ERROR WAIT_TILL_SENT to RETURN_ON_ERROR_NO_DISCONNECT WAIT_TILL_SENT but just wished to confirm its exact behaviour. Primarily, under what circumstances is onunexpecteddisconnect still triggered?
My expectation is that a genuine loss of connection would still trigger onunexpecteddisconnect and that the only time I need to take different action is when receiving SEND_ERROR_WOULDBLOCK, would this be a correct assumption?
i.e. if I received SEND_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED, SEND_ERROR_TIMEOUT or SEND_ERROR_DISCONNECTED, assuming I haven’t manually disconnected, that the onunexpecteddisconnect handler will have already been called and that I just have to handle SEND_ERROR_WOULDBLOCK.
Many thanks