Report device "sleeping until " time in human readable format


My debugging would be SO much easier if, when the imp goes into a deep sleep (server.sleepfor()) the system log reported the expected wakeup time in human readable format instead of a simple longint of microseconds since some mystery time.

I see the following:
2014-03-02 15:40:38 UTC-8: [Device] sleeping until 1393804237000

Please report this instead:
2014-03-02 15:40:38 UTC-8: [Device] sleeping until 2014-03-02 15:45:38

Or, if the longint is useful for some folks, then list both.

I’ve been working on a Tampermonkey script with some IDE tweaks - you can find it here.

Right now it adds a second log window that let’s you watch for specific things, and I just added functionality to change “sleeping until {timestamp}” messages to “sleeping until {Local DateTime}”.

Thanks. It is ready for use? How do I install it and use it?

Maybe I’ll just keep using instead…

If you click on the link I included, there should be an “install” button in the top right corner… you may also need to install the TamperMonkey extension.