After updating to R27.9 WAKEREASON_NEW_SQUIRREL didn’t fire which I use to initialize some nv vars.
Any reason why in the case it doesn’t?

2013-11-27 21:53:05 UTC+0: [Status] Downloading new code
2013-11-27 21:53:05 UTC+0: [Status] firmware update triggered
2013-11-27 21:53:25 UTC+0: [Power State] Power state: online=>offline
2013-11-27 21:54:24 UTC+0: [Exit Code] imp OS upgraded
2013-11-27 21:54:24 UTC+0: [Power State] Power state: offline=>online
2013-11-27 21:54:25 UTC+0: [Status] Downloading new code
2013-11-27 21:54:26 UTC+0: [Status] Device configured to be "Monitor: External HR1, Imp: v1.2j"
2013-11-27 22:18:39 UTC+0: [Device] ERROR: the index ‘nv’ does not exist

Did an improm upgrade previously count as WAKEREASON_NEW_SQUIRREL, then? I don’t think we’ve ever really specified what the wake-reason is in that case. I expect that in practice, for uninteresting reasons, it’s WAKEREASON_TIMER.


Did an improm upgrade previously count as WAKEREASON_NEW_SQUIRREL, then?
No, but there is a ‘system’ download in logs

I’ve still got few imps that are not upgrade and updated one so will hopefully catch what wake reason if any.