Read data on data string

Hello all,

I am newbie on imp. I have 5 sensor [ex: A,B,C,D,E] which connected on arduino. Now, the data success read on imp as string. My problem is how to send individual sensor data to agent? So, I can send data sensor A,B,C,D,E individual to agent and pass it being independent tagname to ubidot.
Already try to solve myself but always fail.
Here is my device code program:

`DataArduino <- "";

function readSerial() {
    while(d >= 0) {
        if (d=='\
') {
        } else {
            if (d>=32) DataArduino+=d.tochar();
        d =;

hardware.uart57.configure(19200, 8, PARITY_NONE, 1, NO_CTSRTS, readSerial);`

Thanks for help

Setting up readSerial() as a callback is good, but it’ll get called every time there’s a byte in the buffer, so you don’t need to trigger readSerial() manually (as you do every second via imp.wakeup() and you don’t need to loop with while.

I would simplify your code this way:

`dataArduino <- "";

function readSerial() {
    local d =;
    if (d == -1) return;
    if (d == '\
') {
        agent.send("DataFromArduino", dataArduino);
        dataArduino = "";
    } else {
        if (d >= 32) dataArduino += d.tochar();

hardware.uart57.configure(19200, 8, PARITY_NONE, 1, NO_CTSRTS, readSerial);`

ie. byte comes in. If it’s useful (!= -1) check if it’s a carriage return or add it to the data string. If it is a carriage return, send the string to the agent and clear the data string for the next lot of data.

Thanks smittytone for your correction.

And how to separate string at “dataArduino” be individual data sensor? So I can send it to ubidot individually. Ubidot cand read data Sensor A,B,C,D,E being tagname A,B,C,D & E

It’s not clear from your description what “dataArduino” string contains. Assuming this contains all five sensor readings and these readings are separated out by some character (e.g. a comma) then use:

Then you can create code logic to review each item etc.

Assuming you have the data from Arduino to imp figured out, you can pass it between device and agent something like this:

on the device:
data_to_send <- {“A”: 0, “B”: 3.4, “C”: 0, “D”: “hi there”, “E” : 56};

data_to_send.B = 55; //illustrating a way to change the value
data_to_send[“A”] = -22; //illustrating another way to change the value


on the agent


doing things with a Table makes it pretty easy to understand. Another thing that can be done is to package the data into a blob using your own scheme for the bytes and then unpack the blob in the Agent. It is harder to code but might be more efficient on data use if you think that matters.