I have two imps involved here. One of them checks things in the field and writes some data to a website (such as timestamps and sensor data). The other imp, an older Imp001, has a timer to request the agent to access an API every 3 minutes. It then turns the WS2812 LED a different color depending on the status returned by the API.
Very randomly, the Imp001 faults with an Out of Memory and restarts. This happens randomly and for no apparent reason? I’m wondering if there might be some sort of memory leak with the WS2812.class.nut:2.0.1 ??
Has anyone else experienced this? Is the issue with the WS2812 class?
I should also mention that I’m using the WS2812 “tail” that connects to the Imp001.
Here is a section of the server log:
|2019-12-04T15:15:54.864 -06:00 |[Device] |Stat: 2 Diff: 218|
|2019-12-04T15:15:54.870 -06:00 |[Device] |20,0,0|
|2019-12-04T15:18:59.886 -06:00 |[Device] |memory: 60316|
|2019-12-04T15:18:59.888 -06:00 |[Device] |Stat: 1 Diff: 99|
|2019-12-04T15:18:59.893 -06:00 |[Device] |0,10,0|
|2019-12-04T15:22:04.907 -06:00 |[Device] |memory: 60316|
|2019-12-04T15:22:04.907 -06:00 |[Device] |Stat: 1 Diff: 283|
|2019-12-04T15:22:04.914 -06:00 |[Device] |0,10,0|
|2019-12-04T15:25:09.924 -06:00 |[Device] |memory: 60316|
|2019-12-04T15:25:09.925 -06:00 |[Device] |Stat: 1 Diff: 165|
|2019-12-04T15:25:09.931 -06:00 |[Device] |0,10,0|
|2019-12-04T15:26:33.003 -06:00 |[Status] |Device disconnected|
|2019-12-04T15:26:33.006 -06:00 |[Exit Code] |imp restarted, reason: out of memory|
|2019-12-04T15:26:33.012 -06:00 |[Status] |Device connected|
|2019-12-04T15:26:33.213 -06:00 |[Device] |0,10,0|
|2019-12-04T15:26:35.421 -06:00 |[Status] |Device disconnected|
|2019-12-04T15:26:35.424 -06:00 |[Exit Code] |imp restarted, reason: out of memory|
|2019-12-04T15:26:35.431 -06:00 |[Status] |Device connected|
|2019-12-04T15:26:35.630 -06:00 |[Device] |0,10,0|
|2019-12-04T15:26:38.366 -06:00 |[Status] |Device disconnected|
|2019-12-04T15:26:38.369 -06:00 |[Exit Code] |imp restarted, reason: out of memory|
|2019-12-04T15:26:38.377 -06:00 |[Status] |Device connected|
|2019-12-04T15:26:38.576 -06:00 |[Device] |0,10,0|
|2019-12-04T15:26:43.582 -06:00 |[Device] |memory: 59600|
|2019-12-04T15:26:43.583 -06:00 |[Device] |Stat: 1 Diff: 257|
|2019-12-04T15:26:43.589 -06:00 |[Device] |0,10,0|
|2019-12-04T15:29:48.599 -06:00 |[Device] |memory: 60316|
|2019-12-04T15:29:48.600 -06:00 |[Device] |Stat: 1 Diff: 135|
|2019-12-04T15:29:48.607 -06:00 |[Device] |0,10,0|
Here is the device code:
// Device Code
#require “WS2812.class.nut:2.0.1”
const NUMPIXELS = 5;
const DELAY = 0.1;
const COLORDELTA = 8;
// Instantiate the WS2812s
spi <- hardware.spi257;
spi.configure(MSB_FIRST, 7500);
pixels <- WS2812(spi, NUMPIXELS);
function setColor(color) {
local colors = split(color, “,”);
local red = colors[0].tointeger();
local green = colors[1].tointeger();
local blue = colors[2].tointeger();
for (local i = 0 ; i < NUMPIXELS ; i++) {
pixels.set(i, [0, 50, 0]);
for (local r = 0 ; r < NUMPIXELS ; r++) {
pixels.set(r, [0, 0, 0]);
for (local i = 0 ; i < NUMPIXELS ; i++) {
pixels.set(i, [red, green, blue]);
// Alias the GPIO pin as ‘button’
button <- hardware.pin8;
function buttonPress() {
local state = button.read();
if (state == 1) {
// The button is released
} else {
// The button is pressed
agent.send(“button8”, 0);
imp.sleep(2.0); // debounce a bit!
function poll(){
// Read the pin and log its value
agent.send(“mailb”, 0);
local timer = imp.wakeup(180, poll);
function mailcolor(stat){
server.log(“memory: " + imp.getmemoryfree());
local substrings = split(stat, “,”);
local status = substrings[0];
local diff = substrings[1];
diff = diff.tointeger();
server.log(“Stat: " + status + " Diff: “+ diff);
local red = 0;
local green = 10;
local blue = 0;
if(status == “2” && diff < 700){
red = 20;
green = 0;
blue = 0;
if(diff > 699){
red = 0;
green = 0;
blue = 20;
// in deep sleep overnight
if(diff < 0){
red = 20;
green = 0;
blue = 20;
local color = red+”,”+green+”,"+blue;
agent.on(“stat”, mailcolor);
// Start with green color
// Configure the button to call buttonPress() when the pin’s state changes
button.configure(DIGITAL_IN_PULLUP, buttonPress);