Not found?

Glad you found a solution.
Now you can finish your project

The Proxy makes it much slower for all websites, so I turned it off.
Now it STILL WORKS in Firefox?!?!?
“Not found” in Chrome…

Changed system settings to use Proxy.
Doesn’t matter in Chrome.
“Not found” with proxy and without proxy.
Works great in Firefox either way.
The thing is I always used Chrome before!
Still doesn’t come up on other devices “Connection timed out”

Again “Not found” in Chrome.
Refreshing 100x didn’t help.
Here’s how I “fixed” it.
First I opened the same URL in Firefox.
That didn’t fix the problem in Chrome.
So I opened in Chrome
Then clicked on IDE. Solved!

Does your satellite connection have some sort of local caching? Often satellite stuff has a local DNS cache (on your PC) because the RTT is so huge. Possibly there’s a bug in the cache code?

Your router is likely providing standard DNS to the imp, so it’s not affected by this.

I don’t think so, or it would be faster? I turned it off awhile back.

Would this explain why it works in Firefox, but not Chrome? Would this explain why every other website works in Chrome? Does it match my solution above?

Did you install ANY connection-related software on your PC when you got the satellite connection? Chrome might be possibly using a built-in DNS pointed at google’s servers… hard to tell with google products!

You recommend I use Chrome with our IDE? I have gone back and forth to this location, each time, same problem. I did not install anything.

Most of us use Chrome, yes, so I guess that’s a recommendation :slight_smile:

I don’t believe the issue you’re seeing is anything to do with your browser or our service, though. There’s nothing special about (or for that matter).

What exactly is the “not found” error? Is it a 404 error reported by chrome, or by the remote website? Does it happen on https URLs or just http ones? (that’s generally the sign of a transparent proxy, if http stuff is freaky but https works, as that can’t be proxied)

You say there’s nothing special about those 2 URL’s, yet those are the only 2 I know of that have long ping times. “Not found” is what it says at the top of the white portion of the screen when I go to our URL. It happens with all Chrome devices here, until I “solve” it. There is no http prefix.

If there’s no prefix then it’s http (chrome hides that), which means it could well be being cached… however, is https only.

Most strange!