I can’t get a + sign to appear on my impees in the planner. If I click and drag from the point where the + should be I get a noodle showing zeros and nothing happens, it doesn’t matter what code I’m running, no + appears. I’m trying to connect my imp to COSM.
The code I want to connect to COSM is
hardware.uart12.configure(38400, 8, PARITY_NONE, 1, NO_CTSRTS);
CharactersInLCD <- 16;
// you can read the imp’s input voltage at any time with:
local voltage = hardware.voltage();
server.log(format(“Running at %.2f V”, voltage));
local lastRawValue = 0;
server.log(“Hardware Configured”);
function checkLDR() {
local rawValue = hardware.pin8.read();
if (math.abs(rawValue - lastRawValue) > 150) {
lastRawValue = rawValue ;
hardware.uart12.write(12); //sets the cursor to line 1 column 1
hardware.uart12.write(format("Light val = %d",rawValue));
imp.wakeup(0.5, checkLDR);
server.log(“measure LDR”);
imp.configure(“read LDR”, [], []);