New AWS request library

Good news, everyone!

I’ve created a basic AWS signed request library that should make it easier to interface with AWS services from agents. Check it out!

Also, here’s a wrapper class for the new Kinesis Firehose service that was announced earlier this week (it uses the request class internally):

Both of these libraries are still in beta (as v0.1.0 implies), so please let me know how they’re working for you, and if you have any comments or requests.

  • Gino

Hi. Thanks for this. The AWSRequestV4 library has been very helpful.

Just a heads up there seem to be a couple of errors in the latest AWSRequestV4 code on GitHub. May I suggest the following fixes/changes to the constructor and request function:

constructor(service, region, accessKeyId, secretAccessKey) {
_service = service;
_region = region;
_accessKeyId = accessKeyId;
_secretAccessKey = secretAccessKey;
_serviceUrl = format(“”, service, region); // CHANGED: Removed trailing ‘/’ from URL
_serviceHost = format("", service, region);

function request(method, path, queryString, headers, body, cb) { // CHANGED: 'callback' changed to 'cb' to match http.request request

    // These headers are used in the request signature
    headers["Host"] <- _serviceHost;
if(!("Content-Type" in headers)) // ADDED: User may wish to send non-json data
	headers["Content-Type"] <- "application/x-amz-json-1.1";

    // Add the signature to the headers
    local signature = _getSignature(method, path, queryString, headers, body);
    headers["Authorization"] <- format("%s Credential=%s/%s, SignedHeaders=%s, Signature=%s",
        ALGORITHM, _accessKeyId, _getCredentialScope(), _signedHeaders, signature);

    // This header is added *after* the request is signed
    headers["X-Amz-Date"] <- _dateTime;
    local url =  _serviceUrl+path+((queryString=="")?"":("?"+queryString)); // ADDED: Full URL now includes path and queryString not just _serviceUrl
    http.request(method, url, headers, body).sendasync(cb); // CHANGED: uses full url not just _serviceUrl


Thanks for your suggestions! I’ll update the library soon. If you spot any additional problems or have feature requests, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.

Out of curiosity, what AWS service(s) are you using the library with?

Awesome, no problem. We are using it with Amazon SQS.

ThomasAuberson, can you share an Amazon SQS example?



Hey, sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. Had no internet for a couple of days. Anyway if you still need it, here is an example SQS request.

Note: I used the the code from the AWSRequestV4 Library provided in Gino’s link above however I had to make a couple of changes to the “request” function (marked by comments) in order to get it to work with SQS

/************************* AWS HANDLER CLASS ********************************/

  • This class can be used to generate correctly structured requests intended for AWS endpoints,
  • sign the requests using Amazon’s “Signature Version 4”, and send them. It’s intended to be used
  • internally by wrapper classes for specific AWS services.
  • @author Gino Miglio
  • @author Mikhail Yurasov
  • @version 1.0.1
    class AWSRequestV4 {
    static version = [1, 0, 1];

static ALGORITHM = “AWS4-HMAC-SHA256”;

_service = null;
_region = null;
_accessKeyId = null;
_secretAccessKey = null;

_date = null;
_dateTime = null;
_signedHeaders = null;

_serviceUrl = null;
_serviceHost = null;


  • @param {string} service
  • @param {string} region
  • @param {string} accessKeyId
  • @param {string} secretAccessKey
    constructor(service, region, accessKeyId, secretAccessKey) {
    _service = service;
    _region = region;
    _accessKeyId = accessKeyId;
    _secretAccessKey = secretAccessKey;
    _serviceUrl = format(“”, service, region);
    _serviceHost = format("", service, region);


  • Make request

  • @param {string} method

  • @param {string} path

  • @param {string} queryString

  • @param {table} headers

  • @param {string} body

  • @param {function} callback

  • @return {null}
    function request(method, path, queryString, headers, body, callback) {
    // TODO: parse queryString properly from the URL


    // These headers are used in the request signature
    headers[“Host”] <- _serviceHost;
    // headers[“Content-Type”] <- “application/x-amz-json-1.1”; // ***** REMOVED *****
    headers[“X-Amz-Date”] <- _dateTime; // ***** ADDED *****

    // Add the signature to the headers
    local signature = _getSignature(method, path, queryString, headers, body);
    headers[“Authorization”] <- format("%s Credential=%s/%s, SignedHeaders=%s, Signature=%s",
    ALGORITHM, _accessKeyId, _getCredentialScope(), _signedHeaders, signature);

    // This header is added after the request is signed
    // headers[“X-Amz-Date”] <- _dateTime; // ***** REMOVED *****
    local url = _serviceUrl + path

    http.request(method, url, headers, body).sendasync(callback);


  • Shorthand for request(‘POST’,…)
  • @param {string} queryString
  • @param {table} headers
  • @param {string} body
  • @param {function} callback
  • @return {null}
    function post(path, headers, body, callback) {
    return request(“POST”, path, “”, headers, body, callback);


  • Join array items into a string, separated by a delimiter.

  • (i.e. the last part will not have a trailing delimiter)

  • @param {array} parts

  • @param {string} delimiter

  • @return {string}

  • @private
    function _strJoin(parts, delimiter) {
    local result = “”;

    for (local i = 0; i < parts.len() - 1; i++) {
    result += parts[i] + delimiter;

    result += parts[parts.len() - 1];
    return result;


  • @param {blob} data

  • @return {string}

  • @private
    function _blobToHexString(data) {
    local str = “”;

    foreach(byte in data) {
    str += format("%02x", byte);

    return str;


  • @return {null}

  • @private
    function _updateTimestamps() {
    local date = date();

    _dateTime = format("%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02dZ",
    date.year, date.month + 1,,
    date.hour, date.min, date.sec);

    _date = _dateTime.slice(0, 8);


  • @return {string}

  • @private
    function _getHashedCanonicalRequest(method, path, queryString, headerTable, payload) {
    // Format headers according to AWS spec (lowercase, whitespace trimmed, alphabetical order, etc)
    // TODO: extra spaces between non-quoted header values should be removed as well
    local headerArray = [];
    local signedHeaderArray = [];

    foreach(key, val in headerTable) {
    headerArray.push(key.tolower() + “:” + strip(val) + “


    local headers = _strJoin(headerArray, “”);
    _signedHeaders = _strJoin(signedHeaderArray, “;”);

    // Hash the payload and convert to a lowercase hex string
    local payloadHash = _blobToHexString(http.hash.sha256(payload));

    // Create the canonical request and return a hex-encoded hash of it
    local canonicalRequest = _strJoin([method, path, queryString, headers, _signedHeaders, payloadHash], “

    return _blobToHexString(http.hash.sha256(canonicalRequest));


  • @return {string}
  • @private
    function _getCredentialScope() {
    return _date + format("/%s/%s/aws4_request", _region, _service);


  • @return {string}

  • @private
    function _deriveSigningKey() {
    local kDate = http.hash.hmacsha256(_date, “AWS4” + _secretAccessKey);
    local kRegion = http.hash.hmacsha256(_region, kDate);
    local kService = http.hash.hmacsha256(_service, kRegion);
    local kSigning = http.hash.hmacsha256(“aws4_request”, kService);

    return kSigning;


  • Caninicalizes the request and creates the signature

  • @param {string} method

  • @param {string} path

  • @param {string} queryString

  • @param {array} headers

  • @param {string} body

  • @return {string}

  • @private
    function _getSignature(method, path, queryString, headers, body) {
    // Get the bits and bobs we need to sign a request
    local hashedCanonicalRequest = _getHashedCanonicalRequest(method, path, queryString, headers, body);
    local stringToSign = _strJoin([ALGORITHM, _dateTime, _getCredentialScope(), hashedCanonicalRequest], “
    local signingKey = _deriveSigningKey();

    // Return the signature
    return _blobToHexString(http.hash.hmacsha256(stringToSign, signingKey));

//******************************** RUNTIME ************************************/

const SERVICE = “sqs”;


function sendToSqs(msg){
local headers = { [“Content-Type”]= “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” };
local body = “Action=SendMessage&MessageBody=”+((typeof(msg)==“string”)?msg:json.encode(msg));"/"+ACCOUNT_ID+"/MySQSQueue", headers, body, function(response) {
    server.log(response.statuscode + ": " + response.body);


sendToSqs(“My Message”)

Ok got it, thanks! Very helpful, was able to get everything working :slight_smile: