Memory Leak (UART)


I admit that I didn’t start comprehensive squirrel learning, and it might be an easy question. I’m running this code (only device code - no agent code) and it stops every 20th UART reading or so, stating that its out of memory. I’m used to dealing with memory in c++, but I really can’t figure out where the leak is in this code - could anyone help? :slight_smile:

I might add that the Arduino is sending 8 newline terminated strings every 2 seconds.

`arduino <- hardware.uart57;

local recieveString = “”;

local humidity = 0;
local air_temp = 0;
local ds181 = 0;
local ds182 = 0;
local ds183 = 0;
local ds184 = 0;
local ec_tds = 0;
local ec_us = 0;
local ec_sal = 0;

function arduinoData() {

// read from arduino on UART57
local c =;

// if bytes are recieved loop them until -1 flag (no more relavant data)
while(c != -1) {

    // add the recieved byte converted to char into the string
    recieveString += c.tochar();

    // if new line occurs in recieved, save the data (new line stop defined in arduino)
    if (c == '\

') {

        // debug
        local data = split(recieveString,":");
        // assign global variables for agent to catch later according to string recieved
        if(data[0] == "hum") {
            humidity = data[1];
        } else if (data[0] == "temp") {
            air_temp = data[1];
        } else if (data[0] == "ds181") {
            ds181 = data[1];
        } else if (data[0] == "ds182") {
            ds182 = data[1];
        } else if (data[0] == "ds183") {
            ds183 = data[1];
        } else if (data[0] == "ds184") {
            ds184 = data[1];

        } else if (data[0] == "ec") {
            local ec_data = split(data[1],",");
            ec_tds = ec_data[0];
            ec_us = ec_data[1];
            if(ec_data[2] != null) {
                ec_sal = ec_data[2];

        // better safe than sorry :D
        recieveString = "";
    // read again
    c =;

imp.wakeup(10, arduinoData);


arduino.configure(38400, 8, PARITY_NONE, 1, NO_CTSRTS, arduinoData);

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

A good idea for me is to sleep a little more. Ofc I shouldn’t call wakup function within a UART receive handler. Hopefully this will help someone in the future! Anyway I’ll try to stop flooding the discussion forum :smiley: