IMP006 specifics?

We see more and more references to IMP006 popping up in the documentation. When can we expect a ‘formal’ announcement including some HW specifics ?
Last time I heard the term IMP006 was in Nurnberg, when it was mentioned this would likely be a naked STM32 variant running ImpOS to which one can add the various modules for connectivity. Not sure that is still the plan though …

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It’s rather a soft launch, indeed. The imp006 has been with lead customers for several months now, but the breakout board was a bit behind. There will be a proper launch in the nearish future when everything is ready.

Real nitty gritty specifics are on the dev site in the form of the 006 breakout schematics & notes. This is shipping very very shortly, so you’ll be able to try it out for yourself.

But yes, it’s a pre-programmed STM32F413 (initially from us, but later from ST direct) and you put the radios you want to use next to it. Currently the choice includes Quectel BG96, Murata 1DX (2.4 wifi+BLE) and Murata 1MW (dual band wifi+BLE).

You get a lot of I/O, even better low power modes than the imp004m, flexible networking (eg WiFi with cell fallback), 512kB of squirrel space and more RAM than an 004 too.