Imp006 Breakout Board Case

Has anyone put the imp006 Breakout Board in a case? If so any pictures?
If not should the two antennas be inside the case or taped on the outside?

Yes, many people have used the recommended case (including us for may PoC projects). I don’t have a picture of an 006 in there, but do have a picture of the old impC001 breakout (same size, same case):

Generally you tape the antenna to the inside of the case, so that there are no holes (as the case is IPX7 rated).

A li-ion battery pack will fit under the board - the notch in the top of the board is to route the battery cable up to the socket on the top side.

The case is linked from the 006 breakout page -

Thanks Hugo for the picture and information!

One thing to note is to ensure that the cell antenna is not above the GNSS antenna when the case is closed - you can see that there, the GNSS is on the top half of the PCB, and the cell antenna - when the case is closed - will be over the bottom half of the PCB.

It won’t make a huge difference, but every little helps with GNSS!

Thanks I will follow your suggestion.

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