Imp005 and Wi-Fi Disconnection Behavior

Hi Forum,

Once an imp005 have connected to the Cloud using Wi-Fi.
What is the behavior of the Squirrel application if the Wi-Fi is disconnected?

  • Does the Squirrel User’s code still runs while the imp is trying to reconnect?
    If not what happens to the Squirrel App? Stops? Soft-reboot after Wi-Fi is reconnected?

Any help is appreciated.

Hi Rlev,
We use the imp006. The “agent” and “device” code both run independently, regardless of whether there is a connection. You need to manage the connection state to transfer data as and when the device is connected to the agent.
I’d recommend a thorough reading of all the guides at Develop | Dev Center.

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Thanks for response @tonybolton

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