Imp003 (Murata) sampler can't sample all 10 ADC pins

I try to sample all 10 ADC pins by 5000Hz but after upload I get a warning:
“[Device] ERROR: bad parameters to sampler.configure(pin, sampleRateHz, buffers, callback[, processors])”.
It works with 8 pins in any combination, but not with all 10. Buffer size change also doesn’t help.
I must take 100 samples per buffer (20ms time). Here is the part of code:

buffer1 <- blob(2000);
buffer2 <- blob(2000);

hardware.sampler.configure([hardware.pinK, hardware.pinJ, hardware.pinH, hardware.pinF, hardware.pinE, hardware.pinC, hardware.pinB, hardware.pinA, hardware.pinW, hardware.pinN], 5000, [buffer1, buffer2], samplesReady);

What I do wrong or it is a bug?.

Ah, we only tested recording an octaventral heebie-phone :saxophone:, and didn’t have the budget for the decaventral version.

No, in fact this looks like a bug, or at least an oversight. There’s no hardware reason for the eight-pin limitation.

I see :slight_smile:
May be wrong firmware version? like for imp002 instead of imp003…
Or software recognise it as imp002 (or other) by some reason…
Here I get “firmware version: 99db320 - release-36.14 - Tue Jan 16 08:52:05 2018 - production” when ask imp.getsoftwareversion()