Imp continuously disconnects

I have been trying to build a “tempbug”. Newbie question and not sure what the issue might be.

Keep getting the following errors in the log
2015-02-28 23:03:44 UTC+13 [Device] sleeping until 1425118501000
2015-02-28 23:04:06 UTC+13 [Agent] PUSH: 6 -
2015-02-28 23:04:05 UTC+13 [Status] Device connected; 3.87% program storage used
2015-02-28 23:04:06 UTC+13 [Device] sleeping until 1425118501000
2015-02-28 23:04:17 UTC+13 [Agent] PUSH: 6 -
2015-02-28 23:04:16 UTC+13 [Status] Device connected; 3.87% program storage used
2015-02-28 23:04:17 UTC+13 [Device] sleeping until 1425118501000
2015-02-28 23:04:43 UTC+13 [Agent] PUSH: 6 -
2015-02-28 23:04:43 UTC+13 [Status] Device connected; 3.87% program storage used
2015-02-28 23:04:43 UTC+13 [Device] sleeping until 1425118501000

Agent code is as follows:

`// TempBug Example Agent Code

/* GLOBALS and CONSTANTS -----------------------------------------------------*/

const SPARKFUN_BASE = "";
const SPARKFUN_PUBLIC_KEY = "xxxxxx";
const SPARKFUN_PRIVATE_KEY = "xxxxxx";

/* CLASS AND GLOBAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------*/

class SparkFunStream {
_baseUrl = null;

_publicKey = null;
_privateKey = null;

constructor(baseUrl, publicKey, privateKey) {
_baseUrl = baseUrl;
_privateKey = privateKey;
_publicKey = publicKey;

function push(data, cb = null) {
assert(typeof(data == "table"));

// add private key to table
data["private_key"] <- _privateKey;
local url = format("https://%s/input/%s?%s", _baseUrl, _publicKey, http.urlencode(data));

// make the request
local request = http.get(url);
if (cb == null) {
return request.sendsync();


function get(cb = null) {
local url = format("https://%s/output/%s.json", _baseUrl, _publicKey);

local request = http.get(url);
if(cb == null) {
return request.sendsync();
return request.sendasync(cb);

function clear(cb = null) {
local url = format("https://%s/input/%s/clear", _baseUrl, _publicKey);
local headers = { "phant-private-key": _privateKey };

local request = http.httpdelete(url, headers);
if (cb == null) {
return request.sendsync();
return request.sendasync(cb);
/* REGISTER DEVICE CALLBACKS ------------------------------------------------*/

device.on("data", function(datapoint) {
local resp = stream.push({"temp": datapoint.temp});
server.log(format("PUSH: %i - %s", resp.statuscode, resp.body));

/* REGISTER HTTP HANDLER -----------------------------------------------------*/

// This agent does not need an HTTP handler

/* RUNTIME BEGINS HERE -------------------------------------------------------*/

server.log("TempBug Agent Running");

// instantiate our Xively client

Looks like it just wakes up, does its thing, them goes back to sleep again.

Thanks MikeyDK. Problem is that nothing is being pushed to spark fun?

Okay, I have never used that, but since the topic was “Imp continuously disconnects” I assumed the problem you were having was that it continuously disconnected, so that was the only thing I was looking for.

Thanks again MikeyDK. I had assumed issue was due to disconnection.

Apologies but should of mentioned Sparkfun issue in title. Can’t seem to edit now.

Issue resolved. Sparkfun base had https:// when was not needed. Removed and now works. Thanks

@Savanna12a, I removed your SparkFun keys from the code (which I also formatted). You shouldn’t make this information public.