HTTP Post node

Anyone can provide a working example using the HTTP Post node?

I’m also looking for a way to use the HTTP Post node. When I try to connect a node to a HTTP Post node, I just keep getting this error: “This impee has no sync nodes you can connect.”

I will be posting an example on the wiki sometime over the weekend (or perhaps Monday as Nong will need to run it through testing).

Fen Consultants, UK

I think found the cause of your error message, zvineyard. If you attempt to join nodes by clicking + and then the other node, you get the error you quote. However if you click/hold + and then drag to the other node, which is how I usually connect noodles, it connects without complaint.

This used to work OK. I’ll email a bug report.

Fen Consultants, UK

That’s the problem I was having :slight_smile:
You nailed it.
I give it a shot shortly.

Rob, the whole “click/hold + and then drag” was the issue for me! Everything is working well now.

Hey guys,

You can now use two clicks to connect ports!

Cool. Thanks!