Help with MCP23008

Hi! I’m using an MCP23008, it works “sometimes”. That means that I get a lot of “I2C Read Failure” errors, about half the times the read function is called… the other half of the calls it works… it’s a very very strange behaviour, it’s like something is out of sync… I really am not able to debug this problem, can someone help me? Am I doing something wrong?

This is the connection scheme

and this is the code:

`// Base class for MCP23008 and MCP23017 family of I2C i/o expanders
class MCP230xx {
BASE_ADDR = 0x20
i2cPort = null
i2cAddr = null
regs = null

constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr) {
    this.i2cPort = i2cPort
    this.i2cAddr = (BASE_ADDR + deviceAddr) << 1

// Read a byte
function read(reg) {
    local data =, format("%c", reg), 1)
    if(data == null) {
        server.log("I2C Read Failure")
        return -1
    return data[0]

// Write a byte
function write(reg, data) {
    i2cPort.write(i2cAddr, format("%c%c", reg, data))

// Set/clear a bit in a register
function writeBit(reg, bitn, level) {
    local value = read(reg)
    value = (level == 0) ? (value & ~(1 << bitn)) : (value | (1 << bitn))
    write(reg, value)

function setValueForRegister(gpio, reg, value) {
    writeBit(regs[reg], gpio & 7, value)

function getValueForRegister(gpio, reg) {
    return (read(regs[reg]) & (1 << (gpio & 7))) ? 1 : 0

function setDir(gpio, input) {
    setValueForRegister(gpio, "IODIR", input ? 1 : 0)

function setPullUp(gpio, pull_up) {
    setValueForRegister(gpio, "GPPU", pull_up ? 1 : 0)

function setPin(gpio, level) {
    setValueForRegister(gpio, "GPIO", level ? 1 : 0)

function getPin(gpio) {
    return getValueForRegister(gpio, "GPIO")


// This class is compatible with the general Pin class
class MCP230xxPin {
device = null
gpio = null
regs = null

constructor(device, gpio, regs) {
    this.device = device
    this.gpio = gpio
    this.regs = regs
function configure(mode) {
    device.regs = regs
    switch(mode) {
        case DIGITAL_IN:
            device.setDir(gpio, 1)
            device.setPullUp(gpio, 0)
        case DIGITAL_IN_PULLUP:
            device.setDir(gpio, 1)
            device.setPullUp(gpio, 1)
        case DIGITAL_OUT:
            device.setDir(gpio, 0)
            device.setPullUp(gpio, 0)
            server.log("MCP230xxPin: Invalid mode")
function read() {
    device.regs = regs
    return device.getPin(gpio)
function write(level) {
    device.regs = regs
    device.setPin(gpio, level)


// Encapsulates a MCP23008 I2C i/o expander
class MCP23008 extends MCP230xx {
REGS = {
IODIR = 0x00
IOPOL = 0x01
GPINTEN = 0x02
DEFVAL = 0x03
INTCON = 0x04
IOCON = 0x05
GPPU = 0x06
INTF = 0x07
INTCAP = 0x08
GPIO = 0x09
OLAT = 0x0A
pin1 = null
pin2 = null
pin3 = null
pin4 = null
pin5 = null
pin6 = null
pin7 = null
pin8 = null

constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr) {
    base.constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr)
    for(local gpio = 1; gpio <= 8; gpio++) {
        this["pin" + gpio] = MCP230xxPin(this, gpio - 1, REGS)


// Encapsulates a MCP23017 I2C i/o expander
class MCP23017 extends MCP230xx {
A = {
REGS = {
IODIR = 0x00
IOPOL = 0x02
GPINTEN = 0x04
DEFVAL = 0x06
INTCON = 0x08
IOCON = 0x0A
GPPU = 0x0C
INTF = 0x0E
INTCAP = 0x10
GPIO = 0x12
OLAT = 0x14
pin1 = null
pin2 = null
pin3 = null
pin4 = null
pin5 = null
pin6 = null
pin7 = null
pin8 = null
B = {
REGS = {
IODIR = 0x01
IOPOL = 0x03
GPINTEN = 0x05
DEFVAL = 0x07
INTCON = 0x09
IOCON = 0x0B
GPPU = 0x0D
INTF = 0x0F
INTCAP = 0x11
GPIO = 0x13
OLAT = 0x15
pin1 = null
pin2 = null
pin3 = null
pin4 = null
pin5 = null
pin6 = null
pin7 = null
pin8 = null

constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr) {
    base.constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr)
    for(local gpio = 1; gpio <= 8; gpio++) {
        A["pin" + gpio] = MCP230xxPin(this, gpio - 1, A.REGS)
        B["pin" + gpio] = MCP230xxPin(this, gpio - 1, B.REGS)


// Example using two MCP23008 and one MCP23017 on the same I2C bus (using pins 8,9)
imp.configure(“MCP230xx Demo”, [], [])

// Configure I2C bus

// Create i/o port instances (note: each device on the same bus should have a different device address)
port1 <- MCP23008(hardware.i2c89, 0) // pinstrapped to device address 0

// Assign leds to port pins
led1 <- port1.pin1 // MCP23008 has pin1 to pin8

// Configure pins as output

function run1() {
imp.wakeup(1, run1)
led1.write(1 -

// Start

problem solved! it was a power issue, solved with a steady 3A external power supply :slight_smile:

Updated your first post to wrap your code in < code ></ code> tags (the “C” in the formatting bar) so it looks pretty, and other people can see what you’ve done :slight_smile:

hey thanks a lot! by the way… have u ever tried the mcp23008/23017? it look sooo unstable, even with the new power supply! can u suggest me other digital port expanders?

You appear to be missing your pull-up resistors for the i2c bus, which would explain it. Add some resistors (eg 2k2 or 4k7) between SCL and 3.3v and SDA and 3.3v.

I’ve been using the MCP23008 with 4k7 pullups on SDA and SCL and it’s worked flawlessly for me.

Can someone explain how one might determine a good value for the pullup resistors? I’m using 10K’s on a New Haven LCD, and it works, but I don’t have any idea how I might determine that. Thanks!

Really you need a scope, ideally with a FET probe (so the capacitance of the probe doesn’t affect the measurement) … but I2C isn’t so picky. If you have issues you can always reduce the clock rate :slight_smile:

Finally had my Bro show me how to use my MSO-19. Looks like the 10K’s are working nicely. :slight_smile:

[..]it look sooo unstable, even with the new power supply! can u suggest me other digital port expanders?
Regardless of the power supply and digital port expander model, I'd suggest a bypass cap across the power pins, as close to the IC as practical. That usually cures the soooo unstable issues :)