Five New Libraries Added

We’ve posted a handful of new code libraries that are ready to be included and used in your own device or agent code.

• IFTTT (If This Then That) is a service that allows you to easily connect triggers to actions across a plethora of products and services. Our IFTTT library allows an agent to trigger events on the IFTTT Maker Channel.

• The Prowl library wraps Prowl’s API for sending push notifications for any other device running Prowl.

• Weather Underground is a commercial weather service that provides real-time weather information via the Internet. This library lets you query the service’s forecast, historical, astronomy and tide databases.

• The ConnectionManager library contains a device-side class designed to simplify server connection and disconnection flows.

• The LIS3MDL Magnetometer library helps you use this low-power, highly configurable three-axis magnetic sensor with support for user-defined interrupts. This library supports the I²C interface.

More information and links to individual library documents here.

Appreciate the work you’re putting into this!


You might want to check the top of the Wunderground documentation. I was a bit surprised it indicated putting the code in the “device”, but tested it that way. It fails, but works fine in the agent.

The libraries are greatly appreciated and I believe overlooked by many.

Thanks for the catch @hvacspei - I’ve updated the docs… they’re live on Github, and should be live on the website shortly :slight_smile:

I think that Prowl Library is an error…i can’t test it.

Can you say what you are experiencing exactly, @sbgneto