Explorer Kit to use with Salesforce Trailhead

@Hugo, I hope now post on right place. I have no kit. So, now I realize that is mandatory buy this kit in order to be successul on connection. Please, do you know if is possible buy the explorer kit via web to be delivered to my country (Brazil)? How can I Iget information about this Explorer Kit?

One more time, I do appreciate your attention.



Last conversation from wrong subject


Ah ok, that explains the confusion then. You can start a new thread

Think the trailhead is based on the explorer kit - is that what you have?

On blinkup - are you seeing a solid green at the end of blinkup? If not, then the device isn’t getting the signal from your phone. See https://www.electricimp.com/docs/gettingstarted/ for tips.

Try emailing sales@electricimp.com

What imp do you have? Trying to imagine what you’re attempting to connect right now if you don’t have a kit!

@Hugo, I found the link to buy at Amazon and see your msg today. So, I will buy the kit. Thank you very much for your attention and support.

I assume you’ve already seen this?

@Hugo I came here again just to tell you that I bought from Amazon and I friend, who was in Vegas, brought to me the impExplorer Developer Kit (it is very complicated to Amazon delivery direct to Brazil). So, finally I was able to end the activity sucessfully. Once again, I did appreciate your support and attention. Thank you very much.