Examples Section on Dev Wiki

Hello! I’m to announce we’ve just updated the Dev Center with some extra goodies including a Resource section where you’ll find various bits of information about developing in Squirrel and on the imp platform, as well as an Examples section, which is aimed at bridging the gap between the Getting Started Guide, and being proficient with the imp platform.

We’ll be adding plenty more examples in the weeks and months to come (including examples around storing and loading data with server.save and server.load, managing your wifi connection, writing good APIs for your device, working with various web services, etc).

If you have a topic you would like explained in more depth, let us know and we’ll take a look at writing up some more information about it!

Cannot say enough about how valuable this information will be, especially for a new Imp user.

Will there be a way that other Imp users can submit an example?

We haven’t worked out what that would look like yet - although if people ARE interested in submitting examples, let me know and we can talk about requirements, formatting, attribution, etc :slight_smile:


Shoot me an email (matt@electricimp.com) and we’ll start the conversation!