Error in BlinkUpSDK Example

I get below error when i run BilnkUp SDK ExampleApp project i passed build api key.

err Error Domain=com.electricimp.blinkupSDK Code=80 “Server Responded with Error” UserInfo={method=POST, mimeType=application/json, statusCode=400, data={“error”:“Invalid Credentials”}, serverCode=Problem parsing server code, serverMessage=Problem parsing server message, NSLocalizedDescription=Server Responded with Error, path=/plans} BUConfigId.m:164

innerError Error Domain=com.electricimp.blinkupSDK Code=31 “BlinkUp failed as a planId could not be acquired from the server” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=BlinkUp failed as a planId could not be acquired from the server} BUConfigId.m:165

so please help me as soon as possible.

As mentioned elsewhere, the BlinkUp SDK will not work with a Build API key. Use of the SDK requires a BlinkUp API key, which we make available to our customers, not to holders of free development accounts.

If you’re writing a BlinkUp app as a contractor, please get in touch with your client. If they’re an Electric Imp customer, they will be able to get you the BlinkUp API Key you need, if necessary by requesting it from their Electric Imp sales contact.

I sent a longer explanation in your email, Hansal, but devices under the free IDE environment must be provisioned using the Electric Imp smartphone app available in the Apple and Google stores. To integrate BlinkUp into your own application, you must have a commercial account with us. will be happy to assist with that.