Exciting news!
A quick FAQ for existing developers & customers:
Q. How does this affect my devices?
A. It doesn’t. We are continuing to support all imps, all the way back to imp001. You should notice no changes in devices, performance, etc.
Q. …and support?
A. Support is still provided by support.electricimp.com for commercial customers, and these forums for earlier development. Support will move to Twilio’s support system later in the year.
Q. Are developer accounts still free?
A. Yes; as before non-commercial use of WiFi/Ethernet devices remain free, but cellular devices are billable for obvious reasons. “Commercial use” is when you ship products containing imps to paying customers - prototyping commercial solutions is non-commercial use.
Q. How about billing for existing contracts?
A. This continues unchanged, aside from invoices coming from Twilio; all service contracts migrated to Twilio with unchanged terms and conditions. In the future, billing will likely be done via Twilio’s account structure - you’ll be contacted about this when the migration happens.
Q. Are Murata still making imps?
A. Yes! imp003/004m/005 are still in mass production. With imp006, the reference design uses a Murata WiFi module, but this is a generic part - not imp specfic.
If you have additional questions, please ask!