Device time is incorrect after power cycle

I’m having a similar issue to this question with an Imp001: Time() returning incorrect value after power cycle

While running the code from this example (A Power Efficient Refrigerator Monitor | Dev Center) the timestamp of the first reading is always Jan 1, 2000 if it starts from a cold boot after a power cycle. As mentioned in the post above, “The imp’s RTC time will be synced shortly after connecting.” But in practice, all the modifications I’ve tried to force a server connection prior to taking a reading have failed to update the time. Is there some method or pattern that will reliably force the time to be updated?

Like I said a couple of years ago, a power cycle will clear the clock. The imp will be adjusted to the correct time shortly after a connection is made. I deal with this in my code by testing the time value after a restart, setting a flag when I have determined that the time has been synchronised. If your imp cold starts and cannot get a connection, it could run without an accurate clock for an extended period until it finally connects.

Ok, so it sounds like there isn’t an imp api method I can use to sync the clock. Out of curiosity what’s your approach to validating the time?

I know this involves buying a module and adding cost/parts, but I have been using these from AliExpress: DS1302 real time clock module

Works great and always remembers date and time. Uses the I2C pins.

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