Developer hackathon at the Hacker Dojo - 8/12 from 2pm!


I'm happy to announce the first electric imp hackathon event this coming Sunday at the Hacker Dojo in Mountain View... the birthplace of the first imp prototype :)

We'll bring imps, devkits and t-shirts along with some pizza and beer. You bring your imagination and a laptop (and optionally something you're trying to connect to the internet) and we'll help you imp-ify it right there and then - up to and including teaching you how to solder!

If you're curious about electric imp, the internet of things, or just have some strange ideas about what absolutely needs to have WiFi added to it, drop by and see the magic of the imp.

There will be prizes for the best hacks!

(the event is free and you don't need to be a Dojo member to attend)

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I wish I could go :frowning:
Too short notice. Maybe next one. Happy hackathon :slight_smile:

let us know when the next imp hackathon is.  got my imp and impee working… now time to write some cool code and do something interesting for Halloween.