Date set / get

I am designing a timer board needs precise time and calendar functions regardless of Internet availability. There is a particular case, where an IMP can reboot and wake up to a dead  Internet connection (thus no time capabilities). 

I can use a rather cheap RTC + Xtal, but it seems that I am not able to set the date back into the IMP.

What is the correct way to deal with such problems?


That’s not currently possible. If the imp has power, it will retain the RTC regardless of whether it’s awake or not - and if you have power for the external RTC, don’t you have power for the imp?

Thank you for the suggestion. 

>and if you have power for the external RTC, don’t you have power for the imp?
I have a CR2032 backup battery, if I consume > 20mA battery will get damaged. 

I can detect falling PSU, but is there a very fast method to put the IMP to sleep? Can the wakeup pin be configured for sleep function as well?  :)

I need something that reacts very fast (few ms at most)…

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but is it yet possible to set the date/time of the imp to an RTC date/time? Thanks!

No, but if you have an RTC attached to your imp, you can just read that as your timebase and calculate an offset to add to/subtract from any time-based calls you make to the imp API, eg. server.sleepuntil()