Having been away from using the Imp, but still following the forum all the time, how embarrasing to have forgotten some of the circuit board specs. I have one of the Imp C001 cellular boards in a black case, with battery ,with a GPS attached, and a board plugged into the Click Micro Bus socket. I purchased the device
about 2019 maybe ?, and got some simple examples and code snippets working, flash the RGB Led, read the GPS location, some simple stuff Etc. Decided to revisit the board this week, fired it up, all ok, some firmware updates, all good. I had never checked or even tested the board plugged into the Micro Bus, and now i would like to maybe test it out, write some code. The plugged in board is Black, came supplied with the GPS tracker kit, and is " Click WIFI-BLE2 rev 1.0 2018. 1031" Any help on its specs or code snippets would help me to trial it out, just for fun to write some code and get it working. I have looked in the libaries, didn’t spot anything that may be useful. TOM.
This one or a different one?
…there are so many clicks, it’s hard to be sure. They only list one that has WIFI and BLE.
Hi hugo, thanks for your quick response. Checked the Micro click listings first, before posting. In summary, the board i received was plugged into the micro click socket when i received the “GPS tracker” edition. The GPS tracker board is based on the Imp C001, but it is slightly modified, as at the same time i also ordered and received a conventional imp C001 board, so i can compare. The tracker main board is black, has a GPS module double sided taped near the missing grove connectors. The GPS tracker board has the Click sockets in place, the imp C001 doesn’t. The GPS board has a 5 pin socket also at 90 degrees to the Click sockets, the imp C001 does not have the socket nor does it have the Through board Vias to match. So the undefined Click style module in question is plugged into the click socket, however it also has the 5 pins attached as well, so 2 X 8 pins, and 1 X 5 pins. It is black, has the imp logo silkscreened onto it, and " click WIFI-BLE2 rev1.0 20181031" The main chip is a BGA grey ceremic square chip, SS230TPP2 1MW ( i checked google, nothing ). There is 6 resistors, 3 capacitors, 2 inductors and a very small ( <1CM) formed PCB antennae, all on the topside, nothing on the underside, 2 small solderable links W1 & W2, TP1 & TP2. Does it matter if anything becomes apparent, not really, just another Lockdown project to spend the days inside. Greetings from Australia. TOM.
( GPS tracker board is impC001 breakout rev5.0 2018 0929) the other conventional board imp C001 is rev 4.2 2018 0713.
Ah, that click is our own one - this is a WiFi+BLE click, though only BLE is supported on this with impC001. This can be used with the built-in BLE in impOS, I believe @zandr should be able to provide you some code to boot this.
Thank you hugo, i will look into the Docs/ libraries.
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