Callback function for pin not being called


I am having an issue with my interruptHandler being called. I have configured pin 11 of my imp 002 as so:
// configure pin11 for interrupt status <- hardware.pinB status.configure(DIGITAL_IN, interruptHandler)

And the interrupt handler:
function interruptHandler () { server.log("M") local flag = 1; }

I am sending a pulse (pulse width of 1s) to pin 11 from my ATMega328, and I have verified that I am indeed sending a pulse by probing this pin. To check if I enter the interrupt handler I am printing to the log, however I am not getting anything.

I was wondering if I may have missed something? Or did not not configure my pin correctly?

Thanks for your help!

Isn’t pin 11 pinD, not pinB?


Oh my god, yes, thank you!