Bug in Hannah Temperature code v3

It reads consistently 250.xx C in my Freezer. Works at room temperature. Ideas anyone?

const i2c_temp = 0x92; hardware.configure(I2C_89); local i2c = hardware.i2c89; function ShowTemperature(){ //imp.wakeup(20,ShowTemperature); local result = i2c.read(i2c_temp, "\\x00", 2); local t = ((result[0] << 4) + (result[1] >> 4)) * 0.0625; //t = t * 9 / 5 + 32; local tString = (format("Temp: %.2f",t) + "°F" ); server.log(tString); } //imp.configure("Hannah V3 ShowTemperature", [], []); ShowTemperature(); imp.onidle(function() {server.sleepfor(30);} ); //server.sleepfor(3600 - (time() % 3600))

4.xx C in Refrigerator, not bad. But I know the freezer is not +250C. Overflow in this simple code above?

Just needs 1 line before the conversion to F. Solved!

if (result[0]>128) t-=256;