BlinkUp iOS library can't acquire planId

I’m investigating the BlinkUp iOS SDK. I’ve filled in my API key (I’ve generated and tried two keys) in both the ExampleApp and the ExampleCustomUI projects. The calls to BUConfigId’s initWithApiKey in ExampleCustomUI and to BasicController’s presentInterfaceAnimated both fail:

2017-02-19 20:52:44.289 ExampleApp[6315:518723] err Error Domain=com.electricimp.blinkupSDK Code=80 "Server Responded with Error" UserInfo={method=POST, mimeType=application/json, statusCode=400, data={"error":"Invalid Credentials"}, serverCode=Problem parsing server code, serverMessage=Problem parsing server message, NSLocalizedDescription=Server Responded with Error, path=/plans} BUConfigId.m:164 2017-02-19 20:52:44.289 ExampleApp[6315:518723] innerError Error Domain=com.electricimp.blinkupSDK Code=31 "BlinkUp failed as a planId could not be acquired from the server" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=BlinkUp failed as a planId could not be acquired from the server} BUConfigId.m:165

Is there another configuration step besides filling in my API key that I’m missing somewhere?

For blinkup, you need a blinkup key which is only available for commercial customers; build API keys won’t work there.

Could that be the issue?

That would indeed be the issue. Thank you.

From where i can get blinkup key which is only available for commercial customers?
because i am facing same issue when i used build API key in ExampleApp projects.

Please contact to discuss your commercial product and your requirements. BlinkUp API keys are only made available to customers who pay for our service.