Imp Stuck in "firmware update triggered"

Can you give the mac address of the imp?


@nimble99 sorry for the late reply, been traveling! I can see that imp being told to get firmware, and then repeatedly failing to fetch the entire image. Kinda strange given the others updated. Is this one powered any differently to the others?

Hi Hugo - no the other two were also updated in the device, powered from battery - they were just updated on a different ISP.

Does the Imp chunk the image down - or stream it? Can you tell the manufacture date from my MAC?

The imp streams it down. I can see the build date of your bootrom, which is early but no earlier than others of the same vintage. The regression in the imp server that was fixed recently was related to the procedure used to tell the imp to go and get an upgrade, and only affected devices that had not been connected since they were manufactured in 2012 - that isn’t the issue you’re running into.

Can you describe the device the imp is in in more detail, and give any details on your router and ISP uplink? Vodafone presumably?

Would be interesting to try again now and see what happens.

I did some googling on the vodafone proxy server and it seems to have bitten other people in the past - one particular issue seems to be related to the use of a squid proxy and an incoming HTTP/1.0 fetch where the server replies with HTTP/1.1 headers. The new upgrade server we just deployed will reply with the client-provided header.

Thanks Hugo -
The imp is in an April board, powered by 4 AA batteries. Yep - its through Vodafone. My router is a Cisco E4200 running Tomato USB Version 1.28 by shibby. I’ll try again tonight…