Anyone making Kaylee's

@MakeDeck Life seems to be getting in the way at the moment :frowning:

However I am making (slow) progress :slight_smile:

@Hugo I met someone at a geek-meetup interested in using an imp for DMX, any news on when @philmy 's release will be?

Probably a question for phil! :slight_smile:

It’s included in release 30 :slight_smile:

Great news! Looking forward to playing with it :slight_smile:

So I bought one of these: Chauvet Cubix 2.0, and I am trying to talk to it with a Kaylee running 30.1. So far no luck. I’d like to make sure that I have the base code correct:

`rts <- hardware.pin5;
uart <- hardware.uart12;
tx <- hardware.pin1;

// initialise a 512-device DMX frame
local outBlob = blob(512);
for (local i = 0; i < outBlob.len(); i++) {
outBlob.writen(0, ‘b’);

function setLevel(addr, level) {
// send DMX512 command to set device at "addr";
outBlob.writen(level, ‘b’);
// the frame will automatically be sent on the next refresh

function refresh() {
// manually send out the break and mark-after-break
tx.configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 0);

// mark-after-break is implicitly sent here; bus idles high while we configure the UART in SW
uart.configure(250000, 8, PARITY_NONE, 2, NO_CTSRTS);

uart.write(outBlob); // send the frame
imp.wakeup(0.1, refresh); // schedule next refresh

// ----- main program -----
server.log("DMX - " + imp.getsoftwareversion());


setLevel(6,16); `

Nevermind…it might be my cable, but it suddenly started working.

It’s suddenly become a dance party in my computer room.

Great! Did you use a DMX terminator?

I didn’t. Right now I’m using a 6’ mic cable, which I know is not optimal. The unit has a DMX out port, should it add a terminator there?

In the DMX world they are more lax than they should be about termination and you’ll often find mic cable in use and even unshielded cat5!

Some devices can even automatically terminate

Strictly speaking there should be a terminator built into your device which will always be at the start of the run and one on the last device, on pro-grade equipment there maybe an option on the menu to activate termination or you’ll find an XLR with a couple resistors (and perhaps a bi-color led) soldered into it.

The other rule that’s usually be broken is there should only be 32 physical devices on the line.

It’s hard to believe that everything from the smallest to the biggest shows on earth are based on this un-error-checked, often abused, 8-bit protocol!