Implementing an algo

I am trying to implement an PT100 sensor algo and I am blocked. I can’t seem to figure out where to plug in all of the numbers.

Here is the linearisation algo:

R(t) = R(0)(1 + A * t + B * t^2)

R0 = 100 Ohm
A=3,908 x 10^-3
B=-5,775 x 10^-7

I am having trouble with how to code 10^-3 or 10^7 and keep getting scalar expected errors.

`// assign hardware.pin5 to a global variable
therm <- hardware.pin8;
// therm2 <- hardware.pin9;
// configure pin5 to be an ANALOG_IN
// therm2.configure(ANALOG_IN);

// these constants are particular to the thermistor we’re using
// check your datasheet for what values you should be using
const a_therm = 3.9083*(10^-3);
const b_therm = -5.775*(10^-7);
// const t0_therm = 273.15;

// the resistor in the circuit (100Ω)
const R2 = 100.0;

//set relay variables to off
// relaystrikeState <- false;
relaymashstate <- false;

function MashTemp_C() {
local Vin = hardware.voltage();

local Vout = Vin * / 65535.0;
local R_Therm = (R2*Vin / Vout) - R2;
local mashresistalgo = R2*(1 + R_Therm*a_therm + b_therm*(R_Therm*R_Therm));  
local mashtemp_C = (R2*a_therm) / (a_therm - R2*mashresistalgo) 

return mashtemp_C;

function startWarmup() {
// Get and log Fahrenheit temperature
local mashtemp = MashTemp_C();
server.log(mashtemp + " C");
targetMashTemp <- 163; //Target Mash Temperature
targeHyst <- 0.2; //Hysteresis to avoid Relay jitter

if (mashtemp < (targetMashTemp-targeHyst))  //Turn on Mash circulation pump
	if (!relaymashstate)
		relaymashstate = true;
		server.log("Mash Relay Off");
	else if (mashtemp > (targetMashTemp-targeHyst))  //Turn off Strike heat
	if (relaymashstate = false);
	server.log("Mash Relay On");
mashrelay <- hardware.pinB;
strikerelay <- hardware.pinC;
// configure LED pin for DIGITAL_OUTPUT

// hardware.pinB.write(relaystrikeState?1:0);

// wakeup in 5 seconds and read the value again:
imp.wakeup(5.0, startWarmup);



change 10^-3 to 0.001
change 10^-7 to 0.0000001

the “^” operator means something different in programming than it does in microsoft excel or math notation.

it will be a start…

Hmm ok I have tried:

const a_therm = 3.9083 * 0.001;

and various surrounding it with parenthesis. What am I missing?