HTTP-IN return a value

I have written an ‘app’ for my android phone which success fully turns an LED on and off using HTTP-IN, but how can I return a value. The value could be an acknowledge. My ‘app’ having sent the on/off string waits for a response.


List your imp code here.
And a screenshot of your planner might be nice too.

The imp code is as follows and I have attached a copy of the planner screen.

// input class for Power control channel (from HTML IN)

class power_input extends InputPort


name = “Power On”

type = “number”

function set(value)


    // update the display"Power On!");                


    // set the power pin to whatever was passed in above, on or off, we don't care at this point




// input class for Brew control channel (from other HTML IN)

class power_off extends InputPort


name = “Power Off”

type = “number”

function set(value)


    // update display"Power Off");                



// Configure pin 9 as an open drain output with internal pull up (Power)


// Register with the server , passing our two inputs as an array

imp.configure(“Coffee Web”, [power_input(), power_off()], []);

your acknowledge comes in the android part.
you need to do something like:
DefaultHttpClient httpClient; .... HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(.....); then you check: int ret = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (ret == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { .. }

I already have the response routine in my android software, what I need to know is how to send the imp code. In other words, when I receive the response into HTTP IN, and light my LED, how can I send back a value, from the imp code to gthe android app.

You want to export variables or data from imp/squirrel outside.
that can be done with agents, a new feature coming soon

When will agents be available?

The plan is by the end of this month for all users.