How do you create objects and methods with squirrel?

how do you create objects and methods with squirrel?

Here is a fragment of one from my reflow oven project. I cut out a bunch of the functions because it is redundant to show that over and over. I put a reference to an output port inside the object but that really isn’t necessary in this case; I was just checking if I could do that.

There doesn’t seem to be a notation for public or private methods but I tried to code with the idea of only using some of the functions outside the object.

hope it helps,

class ProcessTemperature {

//This is how you add a class name in Squirrel, but we don't need it
static classname="Process temperature node";

//This is not used, but it could be if we implement multiple temperature
idNumber =null; //Change this during construction and ONLY then

CurrentTemp = null;
PreviousTemp = null;
OutputInstance=null; //This will be an output port (noodle)

    idNumber = number;
    OutputInstance = myport;
    PreviousTemp= 0;

function getTempinC(){
    local tempC = 1.0;
    tempC = ((tempC*CurrentTemp)/::SCALE);//gets value in FLOAT
    return tempC;

function write(temperature){
    OutputInstance.set(temperature); //use this to write to the output port

}//end class

//Constructs new object of this type and assigns index letter 2

outputTemperature <- OutputPort(“Temperature”,“number”);

OvenTempMgr <- ProcessTemperature(2,outputTemperature); //Creates an instance of a class and assigns the output node


I’ll give this a try,