Hannah board beta testing

Hi there!
I will post here all the hardware problems/suggestions I'll find with the hannah board ( Rev2 20120314) Let's start :
  • Imp do not stop flashing “slow green” after 60seconds (known issue)
  • the multicolor led on the hannah board is too bright ( it was kind of hurting my eyes,  I had to cover it while testing the device) I think should be set by default with less intensity 
  • I would really like to have an on/off button, right know I'm using the power select pin to do that :(
  • an enclosing case with the top open will be great to have (I'm planning to 3d print one soon)


  • The flashing green on the imp card is not hannah-specific; it’s just what imps do these days
    - The LED is rather bright. Tape or paper over this helps, or you can adjust the code to divide down the RGB values too.
    - Unplugging the imp turns the board off.