Arrow keys in IDE

Often the arrow keys in the IDE fail to function correctly. When pressing the right arrow when in the middle of a line, it sometimes bounces down to the next line as though it hit the end of the line. I’ve wondered if this is caused by cut/pasting and the text editor being too fancy gets confused.

A preferred solution with the IDE would be a Heroku-style API using console commands to interact with devices and Git to push code to the device.

(working on Chrome 36 on OS X 10.9.3)

Often the arrow keys in the IDE fail to function correctly. When pressing the right arrow when in the middle of a line, it sometimes bounces down to the next line as though it hit the end of the line. I've wondered if this is caused by cut/pasting and the text editor being too fancy gets confused.

This is default ACE editor behaviour (the web ide framework we use). Agreed that it’s frustrating.

A preferred solution with the IDE would be a Heroku-style API using console commands to interact with devices and Git to push code to the device.

This is being worked on.