Accelerometer and RGB LED

Hi Everyone,
I am new here. I am just wondering if anyone could help me out. I am looking at attaching an RGB led, an accelerometer, a motor and an electric imp. What I am currently working on is how to put together the code for the accelerometer and RGB.
What I want to happen is to have when the accelerometer is at particular co-ordinates, a particular colour will turn on. But I haven’t got much of an idea of how to go about this!

Here’s a previous thread where someone played with the ADXL335:

I’m not sure what RGB LED you have there, but configuring imp pins 1, 2 and 5 as PWM outputs might work. You’d use pin.write to set the relative intensities.

PWM is indeed what you need. Here’s my code for pulsing an RGD LED: red through green through blue.

`r <- hardware.pin1 // R
b <- hardware.pin2 // B
g <- hardware.pin5 // G

r.configure(PWM_OUT, 0.0025, 1.0)
b.configure(PWM_OUT, 0.0025, 1.0)
g.configure(PWM_OUT, 0.0025, 1.0)

rState <- 0.0
gState <- 0.0
bState <- 0.0

rDo <- false
gDo <- false
bDo <- false

rDelta <- 0.0
gDelta <- 0.0
bDelta <- 0.0

timer <- null

function init()
rState = 1.0
gState = 1.0
bState = 1.0

rDo = true
gDo = false
bDo = false

rDelta = -0.05
gDelta = -0.05
bDelta = -0.05


function pulse()

if (rDo) rState = rState + rDelta
if (gDo) gState = gState + gDelta    
if (bDo) bState = bState + bDelta 

if (rState <= 0.0)
    gDo = true
    bDo = false

if (gState <= 0.0)
    bDo = true
    rDo = false

if (bState <= 0.0)
    gDo = false
    rDo = true

if (rState >= 1.0 || rState <= 0.0) rDelta = rDelta * -1.0
if (gState >= 1.0 || gState <= 0.0) gDelta = gDelta * -1.0
if (bState >= 1.0 || bState <= 0.0) bDelta = bDelta * -1.0

timer = imp.wakeup(0.08, pulse);


function showColor(colorTable)
if (timer != null) imp.cancelwakeup(timer)


r.write((255.0 - / 255.0)
b.write((255.0 - / 255.0)
g.write((255.0 - / 255.0)

timer = imp.wakeup(10.0, pulse)


agent.on(“new.color”, showColor)